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  • Composition: Menstrual Regulating Herbal Exts. & Vitamins
  • Total Package: Box of 1(10x10's Caps)
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Product Description

Regular-M Capsule Multivitamin Women is a comprehensive multivitamin for women to fulfill key missing nutrients in their everyday diet to support an active lifestyle. Regular-M Multivitamin Women promotes overall wellbeing in women and keeps them mentally alert and physically active.

A normal menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, plus or minus seven days. Menstrual bleeding is considered irregular if it occurs more frequently than every 21 days or lasts longer than 8 days. Missed, early, or late periods are also considered signs of an irregular cycle.

An irregular cycle can also make it more difficult to get pregnant, especially if you not ovulating every month. Your doctor can run tests to see if you ovulating. Women with irregular periods who are trying to have a baby are sometimes prescribed fertility drugs to increase ovulation. Fertility drugs are not safer so women’s can take Nutrition Capsules like

The nutrition's which are used in the Regular-M are discussed below

According to Ayurvedic texts, the main indication of lodhra is to maintain the pitta and the Kapha in the body. Lodhra contains khashay ras due to this its formulations made from the bark are generally used to soothe the pitta and its ill effects in our body.

Lodhra is especially used to improve womens health. Lodhra helps to detoxify the blood, Lodhra helps in maintaining the shape of the body.

The bark of the Ashoka tree is an effective remedy for excessive blood loss during the monthly period which occurs due to uterine fibroids and other causes. It should be given in the form of decoction in treating this condition Along with this Ethix healthcare added the multivitamins in Regular-M€ capsules to improve the womens health.

Proper nutrition is essential to maintain a healthy endocrine system, which regulates hormones in the body. Try to eat a diet rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. These are found in fish oils, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils. Also, consume a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to provide a full spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Buy organic foods when possible, and avoid foods with added hormones and chemical additives such as commercial meat, eggs, and dairy products. Hormone-free and organic options are available in most supermarkets. Although soy, which has naturally occurring estrogen, can help increase estrogen levels, too much estrogen is not healthy. High estrogen levels have been associated with cancer and tumor growth.

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