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Dr. Ethix's Whitex Syrup for Women


  • Composition: Women's Health Special Tonic 200ML
  • Total Package: Pack of 1 (200ML)
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Product Description

            Whitex is a pure Ayurvedic preparation by and from Ethix Health care. This is a syrup for women's health & it was prepared especially for the wellness of the female reproductive system. The female genital parts are very much susceptible to many pathogens leading to infections and increased discharge. Any change in the vagina balance of normal bacteria can affect the smell, color, or discharge texture.

Prophylactic Uses of  Whitex

  1. Ashoka, ashwagandha in Whitex have anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Whitex also has anti-carcinogenic elements to prevent cancer.
  3. Antibacterial properties of Whitex prevents all kinds of infections and reduces the discharge.
  4. The ingredients in Whitex are primary anti-oxidants which helps the cardiac health and acts as an anti-stressor.
  5. Majuphal in Whitex is a good astringent and antidysenteric.

Therapeutic Uses of Whitex

  1. Helps in the treatment and cure of leucorrhea (excessive white discharge)
  2. Helps in dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia

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